Euthanasia Services

When a pet faces chronic pain or a terminal illness, euthanasia provides a compassionate farewell.

At Coastland Veterinary Hospital, we understand that saying goodbye to your pet is a difficult and painful decision. For this reason, our team strives to ensure that you feel supported and informed throughout the entire process. Our end of life services will guarantee that your loyal companion will have the dignity they deserve, as you experience the hardest moments of being a pet owner.

What is pet euthanasia?

Euthanasia is the process of administering medication, through intravenous injections, that will end your pet’s life in the most peaceful and humane way possible.

Will my pet feel pain during euthanasia?

The entire procedure is completely pain-free. Once the medication has been given, your pet will quickly lose consciousness, and then they will experience a deep anesthetic effect. The dosing of the medication will then cause their lungs and heart to cease functioning.

How will I know if euthanasia is right for my pet?

As pet owners and animal lovers ourselves, we know that the decision to let go of your pet can seem like an impossible situation. At the end of the day, the decision is up to you. Some factors that may help you decide are if your pet is in chronic excessive pain, if they are no longer able to enjoy or take part in activities they love, if they can no longer use the bathroom on their own and if they are no longer able to properly eat or drink. As always, you are more than welcome to reach out to our team and schedule a consultation to learn more about this option.

Can you recommend any resources for bereavement and pet loss?

The loss of a pet can be devastating. Our fur babies are important to us and we love them immensely. If you feel you need extra help dealing with the loss of your pet, or you would like more information, please look at the following websites for additional information. Our team will also be here for you, should you need any additional help with the grieving process.

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