Spaying and Neutering for Pets

This beneficial procedure can lower your pet's chance of developing certain medical conditions.

Spaying and neutering your pet is one of the essential and must-do steps that you must take as a responsible pet owner. These procedures involve removing your pet’s reproductive organs in order to prevent unwanted overpopulation. If your pet needs to undergo a spaying or neutering, please contact our team to schedule a consultation where we can discuss the process in more detail.

What is the difference between spaying and neutering?

Both of these procedures involve the surgical removal of your pet’s reproductive organs, so that they lose the ability to bear any offspring. They are essentially the same type of treatment, providing the same results. The difference is that spaying is the female equivalent, while neutering is the term used for male patients.

How old should a cat/dog/pet be before they are spayed or neutered?

We recommend that pets are spayed or neutered before they reach sexual maturity, which varies with each pet. Kittens, for example, can be spayed at approximately 5 months old and above, once all of their primary vaccinations have been administered. Dogs, on the other hand, are traditionally spayed when they are 6 to 9 months old, although they can undergo the procedures at a younger age, depending on the individual puppy.

Can my older cat/dog be spayed or neutered?

Yes. A common myth is that once they have reached adulthood, pets can no longer undergo these procedures. On the contrary, spays and neuters can be performed at any age. That being said, dogs and cats over the age of 7 years need to have certain tests done beforehand, to ensure that their livers and kidneys are able to handle anaesthesia.

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